The CX Checklist 8...10... well... a few things to consider.

Forrester's Bruce Temkin published a free-thinking piece called the Customer Experience Checklist last week.  Here's the graphic of the PDF of that checklist - to put my own suggestions in context.

Thanks Bruce, for giving us more good stuff to chew on!  I encourage all of you to visit his post and weigh in.

Right up front, I feel the following items are missing:
  • The experience is designed to support users effectively and appropriately across online and offline channels.
  • The experience is supported by a delivery plan that fully coordinates the collaboration of the business (customer service, marketing, product development, etc.) around customer needs.

I'm usually a big fan of checklists, unless they prove to be too high level to be useful -- or to detailed to be easily followed.  As this grows and morphs... the jury is still out for me on how helpful this will be -- and who it's targeted to.  Perhaps there should be the executive checklist and the manager's checklist. I don't know. (Still battling the flu so my head isn't exactly clear!)

If you skim through comments you won't find my suggestions offered but you will find a few others:

Linda Ireland added this: "There is a discipline across the company to use the ideal, or target experience as a guide for daily decision making."     (I get her point, and she's right but not sure many others will!)

Andew Harbourne-Thomas weighed in about splitting metrics to include specific focus on the project's financial impact or contribution to the company - and the importance of getting the CFO on board (I'm not sure that's realistic Andrew... but it's great food for thought - C-level engagement in CX is essential -- and not just from finance, but operations!)

Barry Dalton weighed in on simplifying the list...and a few others had their say... as well.  One user even posted a link to a Customer Centricity Audit to solicit feedback. I haven't checked that out yet. I hate audits that require my email address because it instantly makes me believe I'll be spammed.  Guess that's ONE flaw in that audit.

Again -- I'm not looking to scrape this post -- please go read it all here...I just didn't want to leave a gigantic comment.

What say you, my friends?  What would you put on YOUR Customer Experience Checklist?


Promotional Products said...

Thank you for sharing. This easy to use 8 item checklist is perfect for any company. I think every company should have some sort of accountability, and this list is about the easiest form of that. Plus it keeps you on the right path from the very beginning.

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I’m Leigh Durst, a 20 year veteran in business, operations, customer strategy, ecommerce, digital & social media and marketing. Simply put, I’m a strategist that helps companies (start-up to blue chip) achieve business shift, create more compelling online and offline experiences. I also write, speak and teach about experience design and next-generation business. I’m a futurist, visionary, strategist, doer and connector with a passion for people and helping others. When I’m not on the road, you’ll find me in the San Francisco bay area, working, beaching it and hanging out with my family and dog.


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